Day 18 - Kaye - Casual Day, since I actually have to work.

9:01 PM

Monday Mood:
MLK Day.
Aggravated. A little bit.

I feel like it should be against the law to work on federal holidays - especially when it's Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and I'm black. So, in a kind of protesty way, I went to the office pretty casual today. Not to be mistaken for "bummy" though. I still care to look presentable in my place of business.

The great thing is that, I have the freedom of choosing whether or not I want be casual. In a corporate office. A very diverse, multi-cultural office.

Thank you, Dr. King.

Here's what I wore:

Teal MaxStudio Ppeasant Top - $6
Attic Treasures Thrift Shop

Vintage 1980s Calvin Klein Jeans - $2
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store, Chamblee, GA

Brown Forever 21 High Heel Riding Boots - $5
Attic Treasures Thrift Shop, Chamblee, GA

- Kaye

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