Day 4 - Kaye - First work day of the Challenge

7:36 AM

Let me tell's too early for this.

THIS = figuring out what to wear the morning of work + keeping it somewhat stylish + making my face somewhat cute + taking pictures, while still trying to wake up.

But I did it. Albeit at 5am.

I work in a very casual office - a techy start-upish spot - where many of the early 20-somethings rock jeans, tees and flip flops (even in the winter time), and we have to send an email out to "dress up a little" (meaning, maybe jeans and polo shirts) when clients come into the office. I kinda fall into the "executive" category, I guess (praying for "executive" pay to go along with it...but that's neither here nor there), as the Marketing lead at the firm. Again, I like to dress the part - I feel like I work better - so jeans and flip flops just doesn't cut it for me. But I definitely don't want to over do it (although sometimes I will overdo it with the full business suits, heels and briefcase, just because...).

Hence, this morning's getup: A simple, preppy look. And I even threw in a cute thrifted necklace to go along with it.

Here's the price breakdown of everything:

Grey, Black and off-white striped v-neck Sweater by Tommy Hilfiger - $1
St. Vincent de Paul, Chamblee (can you tell this is one of my favorite spots? They have some of the best $1 color of the week selections, to me)

Black turtleneck underneath - $1
St. Vincent de Paul

Black front button skirt - $1.50
Park Avenue Thrift Outlet, Lawrenceville, GA

Black Calvin Klein (kinda "boot-ish") string up heels
Attic Treasures Thrift Shop, Chamblee - $6

Silver fringe necklace - $2
"My Sister's Closet" 1-day Shopping Event at Rhema

As I continue to wake up...

- Kaye

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