Day 8 - Kaye - Meh, but still worked it out

2:36 PM

Waking up at 6am. I just couldn't pull myself together this morning. That's always the case anytime I have to walk out the door before dawn.

On top of that, my husband was running a little late for work. I could tell he was little annoyed at me trailing behind him with my phone, in this "sorry, not sorry to bother you, but I really need you to take my picture for the blog, even though you're late for work," sorta tone. He loves me, so he just silently took the phone and snapped a few shots, handed me back the phone, kissed me goodbye and got in the car.

No...."check to see how you like those"! That's the thing I needed. That's what he generally does. But sometimes, you have to choose your battles. The look on his face told me (in the words of my late grandmother) "you BET NOT" ask him for a retake! So, alas, I'll get over it.

Needless-to-say, the pictures for today's outfit is a combination of my dragging and his rushing.

So, besides the fact that my hair was a little meh. And I had on no makeup, besides the quick coat of red lipstick I just threw on for the picture's sake. And I could only muster up a goofy, perched lip smile. The point was still made though.

Cute Sweater. Beautiful color.
Awesome deal with the pants.
Even more awesome deal with the shoes. These shoes are pretty beast though....right?


Teal Big button sweater - $5
Attic Treasures, Chamblee, GA

Shimmery Gray Calvin Klein Boot cut jeans - $1
St. Vincent de Paul, Chamblee, GA

Blue Color-block BCBGeneration Heels - $6
Attic Treasures, Chamblee, GA (No, I didn't buy it at the same time to match the sweater. Lol!)

I'll do better tomorrow.

That's all I've got for tomorrow. (insert yawn here)

- Kaye

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