Day 10 - Tiger - Celebrating 102 Years of Brother, Scholarship and Service

6:32 PM

Today is one day past the Founder's Day for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Typically, the proper business attire for a Sigma man is dark blue suit, white or blue shirt, and some type of tie with blue or royal blue in it.

Today I went to church dressed in my best Sigma attire. And what's wonderful about it is that it didn't cost me an arm and a leg.

This suit is versatile. It'll work for me in church or at work. It really works for me because it was not expensive at all.

The best thing about thrifting is finding something you really want to wear and experiencing sticker shock. This is really a change of lifestyle. I spent less than $40 and I have the same esteem, happiness and fulfillment, as if I had spent $700.

White Roundtree & York Gold Standard Dress Shirt - $4
St. Vincent de Paul

Blue and White Striped Nordstrom Tie - $0
Gifted from my former boss

Navy Blue Suit - $25
Previously owned, but got a good deal on it.

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